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I’m Kerri - artist, designer and chief mischief maker at The Heritage Crafter. I practice and teach heritage skills, including sign writing, boat painting/canal art, fairground art and gilding.


My Dad was a draftsman, engineer and master tinkerer. My eye for detail and fine work came from him. Although he's gone to the great workshop in the sky, I can still hear him telling me 'It'll do when it's finished." Yes dear reader, it was already finished!


The world needs more beauty, be it canal art or sign writing. I was lucky enough to be apprenticed to the wonderful Canal Artist, Julie Tonkin. She gave, and still gives, her time and knowledge freely. I shall be forever grateful. I'm proud to have learnt my skills in the traditional way, through hard work without modern short cuts.


Sharing the knowledge

Passing on the things I've learnt is an honour. Becoming a spokesperson for Heritage Crafts came as a bit of a surprise! In the beginning I just wanted to learn a new skill. Now, with several skills under my belt,  I regularly visit schools, give talks and run workshops.

Folk art is at the heart of our cultural heritage. Sharing it with students, the public and media is vital to help keep it alive. 


I work with the Canal & River Trust, museums and production companies to inspire apprentices of the future. Creating decorative art pieces by hand, without computers, templates or tape is a skill which takes practice. There are no shortcuts or cheats!


If you'd like to learn more about the Heritage Crafts I practice, come along to a workshop. Until then, follow me on Instagram to see what I'm up to! 




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